Kura: What
genre, and what is A
Necklace of Souls
Necklace of Souls,
a fantasy, is set in a parallel world. It's about a Princess, called
Dana, her friend Will, and the necklace that protects their country.
Without the necklace, their land would be overrun by an evil
Emperor; the necklace is their protection and its wearer the
Guardian. But Guardian's do not live long; eventually, the necklace
takes its wearer's heart. In A
Necklace of Souls,
Dana is to be the next Guardian.
sort/age of readers would most enjoy it?
13+ . It seems to be enjoyed by two groups - fantasy buffs of any
age, and teens aged 13+. If you enjoy fairy-tale retellings,
dystopia, or epic fantasy, you'll probably enjoy Necklace.
did the idea for the story come from?
dream. A cliche, I know, but true. I had an image of a girl fighting
in a forest. I wanted to know more about her, so I wrote her story.
In a sense, the whole book leads up to that one scene.
character do you most identify with and why?
Will, the other protagonist in Necklace,
is my favourite. He's had to overcome hardship, he's resilient, he's
a survivor. He also has a very interesting view of the world. I
enjoyed writing from Will's point of view more than Dana's.
was your favourite and least favourite part in researching for the
was researching sword fighting and martial arts. I loved watching all
these amazing videos on you tube. You can access some of these videos
from my pinterest board.
least favourite is still the proof reading. I hate proofing.

are good if a) they come with a review or a critique or b) they
aren't too expensive! They also provide a good discipline - nothing
like a deadline to get you writing :)
us about the award A
Necklace of Souls
Tessa Duder Award for YA fiction is sponsored by Storylines. It
carries a cash prize and offer of publication by a major publisher -
in my case, HarperCollins NZ.
have to be unpublished, resident in NZ (the criteria is on the
website) and the work has to be a full-length novel suitable for a YA
audience. Storylines sponsor a number of awards each year. I won in
2012 and was also shortlisted for the Tom Fitzgibbon Award (for
middle grade fiction, ages 9 - 13) in the same year. Winning the
Tessa Duder Award gave me a foothold into publishing and an
understanding of how the process works that I would have never had
otherwise. I am a huge supporter of Storylines; they are an amazing
success in mainstream publishing, why did you decide to venture into
interested in self-publishing because I like knowing I'm writing
directly for my reader.
Self-pubing allows me to present work that I think is innovative and different
without having to jump the very very time consuming hurdles of slush
piles and acquistions meetings. (these can take a year. I'm not
kidding. Twelve months for a rejection is not at all uncommon).
Personally, I think self-publishing will end up dominating the
mid-list; the statistics certainly suggest that market share of
self-pubbers is increasing.
slow to be accepted in New Zealand but it's becoming more accepted
has been the hardest part with promoting your work?
And money!
tips would you give to others considering self-publishing that you
wished you knew when you started?
expect to get rich overnight. If you get any sales at all, you're
doing well. it's a very crowded market. Unless you're lucky or
famous, I think best to aim for breaking even at about 5 years.
is absolutely paramount. Reviewers are much much harder on
self-published work than on work coming through a trad house. You
have to prove yourself with self-published; trad work already has a
brand supporting it. So you must write the best work you possibly
proofing, printing, distribution are a steep learning curve. And you
need to be comfortable on a computer.
have more tips set out on my blog, which you can access through my
website: RLStedman.com
published two works - A
Necklace of Souls
and Inner
Later this year (2015) I hope to bring out A
Skilful Warrior,
the sequel to Necklace. It's darker than Necklace, because in it my
characters, Will and Dana, have left their country and have to cope
in the wider world.
time allows, I'd also like to bring out Ghost
Shortlisted for the Tom Fitzgibbon Award in 2012, Ghost
is a crazy middle grade adventure about friendship, ghosts and
technology. I'm looking foward to that one!! I'm also working on
another YA, called Chasing
Harsh Light,
but that won't be ready for absolutely ages.
can we buy your books?
Fire is
available on order at bookstores in New Zealand and available through
Necklace of Souls can
be spotted in the HarperCollins version at Paperplus and can be
purchased on Amazon
will be bringing out a print version of Necklace
in a few months, which will also be able to be purchased through
Amazon and Book Depository, so watch this space.
Thanks for
taking the time to answer my questions, it’s been a pleasure
chatting today.
for everyone out there you stay up-to-date by following
on Twitter
@rlstedman and on Facebook
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